Setting new goals for 2023

Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars

Setting new goals for 2023 Reach for the moon
Reach for the moon

This is John Beattie owner at Move Better Run Better

John and his team of coaches, alongside an injury prevention specialist, Lilly, coach me.  They don’t just provide me with the support and accountability that I need as an athlete and yes, I am an athlete too, with my own goals and ambitions, but they help me to remain accountable, and to continually develop my own knowledge to help you, my athlete. They are helping me by setting new goals for 2023!

Setting new goals for 2023

We all agree that December is a great month for a runner to really consider new goals and aims. Take some time to set new goals and aims whether they be personal, running, or exercising.  Don’t get caught up in January’s new year resolutions.

Your goals don’t always need to be about running although if you are a runner then they probably should be included! 

Ideas – I am going to:

  • Sign up for an event/distance that I’d like to do and have not done yet
  • Leave for the event/meeting/ work 10 minutes earlier than planned to gain control and not get myself stressed. This crosses over into a personal goal.
  • Aim to incorporate (if you’ve never done them) or do 2 strength sessions per week but say, if I don’t manage to do 2, I am going to be kind to myself and not beat myself up about it
  • Find a run buddy/ someone who is in need of a pal to run with occasionally
  • Allow myself one day a month to pamper myself and be kind. For example guys, you could do your nails and get a manicure, and girls, what about a round of golf with a friend?! (this is one of mine for 2023!)

Whatever you write down isn’t important but could be just what you need to open your mind.  

Free your mind – free your limit  


Words of Wisdom


''In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So, forgive often and love with all your heart. You may not have the chance again''

Alexandra Oliver

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