Crucial Gui
After completing any long-distance endurance event, it’s crucial to allow your body to recover properly before […]
Transform your Running
Transform your running! I am repeatedly asked ”can running poles really help with my running?” The […]
“Take ownership of our movement” Develop efficient running technique, start now! Aims Note The fascia system […]
OCC Reflections
UTMB OCC – August 31st, 2023 Reflections of an (amateur) ultrarunner – Race report Reflections…..It has […]
Track evening session runners
A great warm-up is essential to limit your chances of injury. Using large groups of muscles it is essential that you use efficient movements and maintain a low heart rate so as not to fatigue the body. 
Setting new goals for 2023 Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land […]
Coach and supporter
1:2:1 coaching is personal. With a coach, the structure of your training is set wholly around you, your lifestyle and work commitments.  We work backwards from your goals and ambitions and set a clearer pathway of how one might get there.

Words of Wisdom


''In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So, forgive often and love with all your heart. You may not have the chance again''

Alexandra Oliver

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